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Waitlist (FY24 Summer)

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Waitlist - Camp


WAITLIST 1229 Broadway: On and Off the Stage | Commercial Creators

Rising Grades 3-5

July 22-26


1 week

Imagination Stage


In this dynamic class, rising stars not only step into the spotlight as performers but also learn about behind-the-scenes theatre magic. From costume design and prop creation to getting an up close look at lighting instruments, campers get insights into how their favorite shows are created. This is your chance to unravel the secrets behind the curtain and do a little dancing in front of it too!

Portable canoes for dogs? Electric self-chewing chewing gum? In the afternoon, students unleash laughter through comedic commercial creations. Working as a team, campers dream up wild inventions and then use the principles of script writing, timing, wit, and performance to craft memorable and funny sketches that sell the zany products.

Campers provide their own nut-free lunch and snacks. Week-long after-care is available (4:00-6:00 p.m.).

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