Item details
1551 Acting for the Camera: Scenes on Screen
Gr. 4-5
Saturday 1:00-2:30
14 weeks (1/25-5/10)
No class on 4/12, 4/19
Adapt stage acting techniques for the screen! In this class, students are challenged to create consistency and continuity in scene work through a multiple shot format. Students learn to use the camera as a tool to tell engaging stories with specific and realistic actions on film by experimenting with different camera angles, frames, and sequencing. Students also learn to use the camera as a scene partner with the same interplay skills they would employ with another actor through close-up camera work. Selections of student work are screened at an end-of-semester final sharing. Classroom sharings are a chance to showcase the foundational skills that students work to refine during their 14-week semester. Sharings provide an insightful and detailed look at the process of exploring and polishing performance techniques, and are a truly wonderful opportunity to catch a glimpse of the classroom experience at IStage.