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1577 Acting Conservatory

Gr. 7-12

Tuesday 6:30-9:00

16 weeks (1/14- 5/17)

No class on 4/15


The Acting Conservatory is an intensive, two-semester acting technique training opportunity for students entering grades 7-12. Semester 1 works on building character development, script analysis, physicality, vocal, and scene work skills. Semester 2 focuses on the actor’s process in rehearsal and building performance material for the end-of-year performance: a final Showcase on Saturday, May 17, in the Reeve Studio Theatre for family and friends. The final Showcase performance format emulates those of collegiate acting programs which places emphasis on the student’s artistry, interests, and technique gained during the course of study.

Registration is only open to previous Acting Conservatory class members. Please visit our website for more information on our Advanced Training Programs or contact Nikki Kaplan ( /301-280-1624) to find information on auditions for the next Acting Conservatory. 


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