Item details
WAITLIST 1518 You & Me: Disney Tales
Ages 3-5
Tuesday 4:00-5:00
6 Weeks (3/18-4/29)
No class on 4/15
This class is for students 3-5 years old and their caregivers. Discover your magical gift like La Familia Madrigal, learn to roar like Simba, build an ice castle like Elsa, or search for dragons with Raya. In this class, students and caregivers work together to explore popular disney tales through dramatic play, movement, music, and visual art. Students use simple props and prompts to create characters and bring stories to life. Activities are designed to encourage creative expression while promoting confidence and self-esteem.
This class is ideal for those looking for special caregiver/child time and also for those looking for a smooth transition to taking classes independently. Hop on your magic carpet and join us for a Disney adventure!