Item details
WAITLIST 1549 Creative Drama: Pokemon Players
Gr. 2-3
Wednesday 5:00-6:30
6 weeks (3/19-4/30)
No class on 4/16
Calling all aspiring actors and Pokémon trainers! Join Ash and Pikachu as you evolve your acting skills in Creative Drama: Pokémon Players. This class brings students' imaginations to life while exploring story structure and building on their actor's tools–body, voice, mind, and imagination. Students use dramatic play, movement, music, and visual art to create their own Pokémon Adventure! Young Pokémon trainers learn to think on their feet like a speedy vulpix and perform like an enchanting jigglypuff. Classwork culminates in a final sharing for families on the last day of class. Classroom sharings are a chance to showcase the foundational skills that students work to refine during their 14 week semester. Sharings provide an insightful and detailed look at the process of exploring and polishing performance techniques, and are a truly wonderful opportunity to catch a glimpse of the classroom experience at IStage.