Item details
WAITLIST 1653 Disney Drama
Ages 4-5
July 14-25
2 Weeks
Primrose School (8101 Glenbrook Rd, Bethesda)
Discover your magical gift like La Familia Madrigal, learn to roar like Simba, build an ice castle with Elsa, or fly to Neverland with Peter Pan and Tinkerbell. Using our favorite Disney stories and characters, students make connections between imaginative worlds and their own life experiences. Students bring stories to life–or even create their own–using songs and dramatic play. Activities are designed to encourage creative expression while promoting confidence and self-esteem. Hop on your magic carpet and join us for a Disney adventure!
A typical morning at camp begins with free-play stations, followed by interactive story time, a drama activity, snack break (snack is brought from home), a movement or dance activity, visual art, and a closing activity. On the last day, campers show off their newly sharpened theatre arts skills in an informal sharing for friends and family.
Disney Drama is held off site at our neighborhood partner: The Primrose School of Downtown Bethesda, located one block from Imagination Stage (8101 Glenbrook Rd, Bethesda).