Zomo the Rabbit: A Hip-Hop Creation Myth
Please note that Imagination Stage has cancelled or postponed all classes, performances, and events from March 14 – 27, 2020 as our community grapples with the effects of COVID-19. Any programming scheduled during that time will be canceled or postponed. All performances of Zomo the Rabbit: A Hip-Hop Creation Myth and Thumbelina have been canceled.
FEBRUARY 8 – APRIL 12, 2020
By Psalmayene 24
Music by Nick “tha1da” Hernandez
Directed by Raymond O. Caldwell
Best for ages 4+
A hip-hop musical in repertory with Thumbelina
Zomo- one hip-hoppity rabbit- is taking on Washington, DC. When Zomo is dissed and dismissed by the other tricksters in town, he turns to the Sky God for more power. The Sky God sends him on an impossible quest taking him from the breakdancing fish on the DC Waterfront, to the graffiti artist cow at the National Zoo, and finally to the DJ Leopard in Adams Morgan. Will Zomo find the power he’s seeking? Or will he wise up? This high-energy hip-hop adaptation of a Nigerian folktale, originally commissioned by Imagination Stage in 2009 (Helen Hayes-Nominated Outstanding Production- Theatre for Young Audiences), puts a local spin and lots of silly humor on the global tradition of trickster tales.
Gary L. Perkins III - Zomo the Rabbit
Jonathan Atkinson - Wild Cow
Melissa Carter - Sky God
Unissa Cruse - Big Fish
Inés Domínguez del Corral - Leopard
Zomo the Rabbit: A Hip-Hop Creation Myth from Imagination Stage on Vimeo. 
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