11:30 - 12:15 p.m.
Ages 1-5
Single-Session Workshops
You and your little one are invited to a fun, interactive musical experience! Each week in Saturday Song Circle, we explore storytelling and expressiveness through themed, play-based music activities as an Early Childhood teaching artist explores a popular children’s book with your family through song, musical instruments, and movement. Song Circle includes many familiar songs, and everyone is encouraged to sing-a-long. Nothing energizes the learning experience more than sharing and enjoying music together!
Other Saturday Song Circle Workshops include:
10/7 - The Very Quiet Cricket
10/14 - Little María Discovers Her Dance! | ¡Pequeña María Descubre Su Baile! (Bilingual)
10/28 - Five Little Pumpkins
11/18 - We're Going on a Leaf Hunt
12/2- Winter is Here
12/9 - Frosty the Snowman (ASL Bilingual)